Statement of support following major earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

Earthquake disaster 2023

In the middle of the night of 6 February, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake occurred close to Gaziantep in southern Turkey, along the northern border of Syria. Beyond the aftershocks, an additional 7.5 magnitude quake occurred southwest of the city.

There are 17 million people living in the affected area, many of which need shelter, food and medical aid urgently. Of these, 20,000 people have lost their life, with thousands more injured.

With homes destroyed, power down, and hospitals, bridges and roads damaged, thousands of people are in urgent need of help.

What is Lightsource bp doing?

  • Created a support group for those people in the organisation who might be directly impacted or have families/friends impacted.
  • Assigned a mental health first aider to the support group.
  • Exploring any opportunities to provide physical Lightsource bp assets to the emergency efforts.
  • Vibes is exploring internal fundraising efforts.

How can I help?

Donating now can help support efforts to provide urgent aid and care to the earthquake survivors. Here are a few trusted donation links for you to support.

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